Eden Perfection is an avenue for me to create things exactly how I want

-my idea of perfection-


I’m a Mechanical Engineer who grew up on a farm working with all sorts of equipment from an early age.  This has shaped my idea of what a product should be, how it should function, and the level of quality it should possess.

I often come across things that don’t meet my expectations due to fit, function, quality, or a combination thereof.  Some products, such as the FNH Five-seveN®, just don’t have any aftermarket support, or the stuff that’s out there is lackluster at best.  Other times the quality and functionality may be there, but the product just doesn’t fit me. 

That’s where Eden Perfection, LLC comes in; making things how I want and offering them to those around me.  I hope you find as much enjoyment in the products offered here as I do.

About the apple grenade logo:   This image holds significance to me because it’s meaning is tied to the account of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.  One bite was like a grenade going off.  Chaos entered the world, and with it death and suffering.

It became imperfect – and man was separated from God.  We see and feel the effects of this daily; from school shootings and mass genocide, to cancer, disease, and natural disasters.  But there is hope!

  • Jesus offers salvation and the hope of restoration in this fallen world.

  • Eden Perfection simply offers great products.

Portraying the forbidden fruit as a grenade isn’t original to me, but I think it sums up the current state of man perfectly which is one reason I developed a logo around the idea.




Five-seveN® is a registered trademark of FN Herstal Corporation